beach clean up at estoril beach

Our crew for a beach clean-up at Estoril beach in Sal Rei


clean up barracas

We also did a clean-up activity in the „barracas“ – a shanti-town area just outside Sal Rei


Cleaning day at the ribeira de Rabil

More cleaning 🙂 Here in the Ribeira de Rabil

Poetry contest in Rabil

A participant of Turtle Foundation’s poetry contest reads her turtle poem to the public


School in Nature - Escola na Natureza
This happy bunch is a group of kids living in the communities in the North of the island. They spent a day with our Crew in Fundo das Figueiras for our „School in Nature“ program


School in Nature - Escola na natureza

Kids from Sal in a „School in Nature“ activity in our Boa Esperanca beach camp


Theatre barracas

A theatre group from the barracas performs a play about turtle conservation on an open-air stage in their neighbourhood


Escola na Natureza

A handicraft workshop showing fun ways to recycle plastic waste


The result of a beach clean up in Boa Esperanca

The result of a looong beach clean-up day in Boa Esperanca


Handicraft workshop barracas

The ladies from our crochet handicraft workshop. The carrier bags they are making are sold to tourists as souvenirs – the benefit goes back to the producers