Following of the success of the „School in Nature“ program last year, mainly in Boa Esperança beach, Turtle Foundation has started a new season last weekend. As last year, the 3 day/2 night program includes oral presentations, video presentations, games on the beach, a lot of beach cleaning, and of course, participation in the night patrols.

This time working with our own limited funds, and independently from the Clube Ambiental da Boavista, we have decided to take a step further, and work with groups both from Boavista, as well as from other islands as well. The first edition this season counted with the participation of 10 local kids, as well as 10 youngsters from the city of Praia, in collaboration with a project that promotes social inclusion of troubled teenagers from the capital.

This exchange was great. Some of these kids have had serious problems at home, or have been living rough in the past years, and it was very nice to see them relax and enjoy a stay in one of the most beautiful beaches of Boavista, in full contact with nature. Some had the opportunity to see turtles nesting as well. The foundation „Infância Feliz“ was created by the current First Lady of Cape Verde, Adelcia Pires, who Turtle Foundation had the honour to meet several times; the main purpose of this foundation is to promote the rights of Cape Verdean children regardless of where he or she lives with special focus on at-risk children.

This collaboration started with the goal of strengthening the ties between the First Lady and Turtle Foundation, in a sign of mutual respect for eachother’s work. We hope to receive at least one more group this season! (for full description of this foundation -in portuguese only- we suggest this website:

At least 4 more camps are planned during the season, in Boa Esperança, Canto and Varandinha beaches, and we are currenlty starting new collaborations with other partners, such as Galaxy group, Estrelas de Rabil, and Instituto Caboverdiano da Criança e Adolescente, all based in Boavista. Also, this project has been supported so far by CV Telecom, ASA, and the Marine Club. Thank you!

Keep an eye for more news about this project!

(Originally posted/written by Joana Hancock)