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Tainted Turtle Meat Kills at Least Three Kids, Poisons Hundreds in West Sumatra

By |2017-08-08T10:01:20+01:00März 29th, 2013|Allgemein, Indonesien|

At least three people have died and hundreds more were sickened after consuming toxic turtle meat in Mentawai Island, West ...

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Illegal trade of sea turtle shell products in Tanjung Benoa, Bali

By |2015-08-11T14:28:01+01:00März 3rd, 2012|Allgemein, Indonesien|

Tanjung Benoa, Bali was notorious as the hub of the illegal sea turtle trade in Indonesia. In 1999, ProFauna Indonesia ...

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Illegally collected eggs confiscated by police in Berau

By |2015-08-11T14:37:06+01:00Februar 9th, 2012|Allgemein, Indonesien|

An update from Dr. Hiltrud Cordes and Dr. Thomas Reischig of Turtle Foundation, currently in Berau: Greetings from Berau! Here ...

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