Turtle cookies

Your personal fundraiser for sea turtles!

Save sea turtles together with family and friends

  • Are you celebrating a birthday, wedding or anniversary soon and love the idea of “donations instead of gifts”?
  • … or you would like to take on a marathon or other challenge and dedicate it to a good cause?
  • … or you like to undertake creative actions with which you really make a difference?
  • Would you like to actively contribute to ensuring that our beloved sea creatures do not soon disappear forever?

We will be happy to help you with the organization and support you with the implementation if required!

Whether it’s a private fundraiser such as baking a cake for Turtles, a beard-off campaign, a charity run, a summit storm, a benefit concert, a birth/baptism, a school or scout fundraiser, cycling through Europe or on the occasion of a company or Christmas party, …

There are no limits to your imagination! Any significant moment in your life, any colorful activity can be the basis for your fundraiser.

  • Tip 1: Bet with your donors that the donation goal will NOT be reached… 🙂
  • Tip 2: For the release from the question “What can I just give?” some friends might even be grateful to you… 🙂
  • Tip 3: Ask your boss to double the proceeds of your campaign at the company party!

Want to start a fundraiser to protect endangered sea turtles?

We will be happy to assist you with your planning!

Katja Weisheit

Katja Weisheit
+49 221 3466 7220

We thank you very much for your support!