Last week we released ‘Luisa’, an injured loggerhead who had been brought in the week before by a local fisherman, Zé Luís. She had been caught in a discarded fishing net out at sea and presumably brought to Boa Vista in the current. With the help of Maria from Natura 2000, her wounds were cleaned and she recuperated on the terrace. A week later, once her wounds were healing nicely and she had her strength back, we decided the best thing for her was to be returned to the open sea. Here are a few photos of the release. Maybe in 10/15 years we’ll find her again nesting on the beaches of Boa Vista (as by then she should be sexually mature)! A video of the whole event coming soon!

Release of loggerhead turtle Luisa
Release of loggerhead turtle Luisa
Release of loggerhead turtle Luisa
Release of loggerhead turtle Luisa
Release of loggerhead turtle Luisa
Release of loggerhead turtle Luisa
Release of loggerhead turtle Luisa
Release of loggerhead turtle Luisa