Condolence Donation
Mourning and helping
Everyone deals differently with the loss of a loved one. Sometimes family members, relatives and friends feel the desire to support a good cause in the spirit of the deceased. More and more often one reads therefore in obituaries: “Instead of flowers and wreaths please donate to …”.
If you decide to make a condolence donation to the Turtle Foundation in memory of a loved one, you will help us to preserve the world in its diversity and uniqueness for future generations.
To make a condolence donation to the Turtle Foundation, please proceed as follows:
- Together with you, we will agree on a keyword, which the mourners can indicate as the purpose of their donation to our account.
- Afterwards you inform your mourners about your donation request. A funeral card or obituary notice is suitable for this purpose. A corresponding wording could be as follows:
“Instead of friendly flowers or wreaths, a donation to the Turtle Foundation is requested”.
+ Account details and personal keyword
- Upon request, we also issue donation receipts to donors.
Of course, you also have the possibility to ask the mourners for cash donations during the funeral service. For this purpose we will gladly provide you with a donation box and further information material. If you have commissioned your funeral home to organize the appeal for donations, please contact the respective institute directly.
Do you have any questions?
I will gladly help you
Katja Weisheit
+49 221 3466 7220
Our donation accounts for the indication on your mourning card or obituary
Turtle Foundation Germany (€)
GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG
IBAN: DE48 4306 0967 1085 9361 00
Turtle Foundation Switzerland (CHF)
Swiss Post, PostFinance
PC-Accountnumber: 40-429368-1
IBAN: CH1309000000404293681
Turtle Foundation Liechtenstein (CHF)
Verwaltungs- und Privat-Bank AG, Vaduz
Accountnumber: 50.393.964.001
IBAN: LI6908805503939640001
Turtle Foundation USA ($)
Whatcom Educational Credit Union
Accountnumber: 800296490
Routing Nr. 325180113
Turtle Foundation UK (£)
Metro Bank
Community Account: 37914398
Sort Code: 23-05-80
IBAN: GB66MYMB23058037914398