This year, we not only made significant progress in protecting endangered sea turtles but also prioritised the professionalisation of our organisation. In Indonesia, we had to address the challenge of potential knowledge loss due to team members leaving.

To counteract this, we have launched a comprehensive Training of Trainers (ToT) programme for our Indonesian sister, which also includes the development of a ranger manual for long-term knowledge transfer.

Successful completion of the first course

The first of a total of three ToTs was successfully conducted by our trainers Adhith Swaminathan and Meriussoni Zai. It took place on the island of Bilang-Bilangan in the Derawan archipelago in September. The aim of the two-week training course was to train ten employees from all YPI projects in common ranger tasks and to enable them to effectively pass on the expertise they had gained.

Different steps such as identifying tracks or nests and recording scientific data were also photographed in order to document them in the planned handbook. Through these measures, we are focusing on strengthening our expertise and capacity in sea turtle conservation.

Amelia Silalahi (YPI) beim Taggen einer Flossenattrappe

Ranger training: Amelia Silalahi (YPI) tagging a mock-up flipper

Your contribution to sea turtle conservation

Would you like to make your own contribution to support our teams in continuing their training and professional development? Support us with your donation. No matter how big it is, it will immediately help us to continue our important work to protect endangered sea turtles.