Become a Member of Turtle Foundation Friends

… and thereby support the Turtle Foundation

With your membership at Turtle Foundation Friends you are expressing your sympathy for sea turtles and for our efforts to protect them. With your membership fee you are contributing to secure the funding for the conservation projects of the Turtle Foundation. Turtle Foundation Friends has currently (as of December 2016) more than 150 members with their membership fees and donations currently generating an annual income of more than 6,000 Euros. This financial contribution is of great value for the projects of the Turtle Foundation, especially for providing quick and unbureaucratic help in emergency situations.

In addition, we are looking forward for everybody who is willing to volunteer, e. g. for running information booths in different cities in Germany and Switzerland. Turtle Foundation Friends is planning to expand its activity by increased participation in information events, fairs, and markets, which can be only afforded with the help of a growing community.

TF Friends at Boot 2014 Düsseldorf

Board member Petra Minnasch together with actress Amely Matthaei at the Boot 2014 (watersports fair) in Düsseldorf, Germany

Hiltrud Cordes at booth

Board member Hiltrud Cordes operating a booth of Turtle Foundation at the maritime museum of Stralsund, Germany

Become a Member of Turtle Foundation Friends

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Fields indicated with asterisk (*) are mandatory.

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Please write here if you want to send us a message, provide additional information, or if you have any suggestions.
Please indicate the currency of your payment.
Please indicate your annual contribution.
Please indicate your annual contribution.
Please indicate your annual contribution.
Please select your payment method.

Notification for payment with Paypal or credit card

Sorry, for technical reasons Paypal or credit card payment is currently not possible via this form. If you wish Paypal or credit card payment, please select "Paypal or credit card" here, submit the form, and then pay via our Donation page.
Thank you very much!

Bank details

Please transfer your membership fee to this German banking account:

Recipient: Turtle Foundation Friends e.V.
Bank: Frankfurter Volksbank
IBAN: DE04 5019 0000 7700 0108 93
Reason for Payment: TF Friends membership fee

Learn more about the association