On Sunday, 19 March 2017, our Turtle Foundation Friends member Klaus Bock, teacher for Biology at the junior Highschool  in Zirndorf near Nuremberg, organized together with students of his research class a project to support the Turtle Foundation. During the spring festival in Zirndorf, when shops were exceptionally open on Sunday, children from the research classes of the local school used this opportunity to offer self-designed cloth bags together with merchandising articles, and promoted for donations to help the endangered sea turtles. They received the necessary sales space from a local book store called “Bücherstube”. The owners of the book store were so enthusiastic about the project that they spontaneously declared to sell the cloth bags not only during this special occasion but also during regular opening hours in future. The background of the cloth bag project was to contribute in avoiding plastic waste; further, the school hopes to again receive the Environment School Award. However, the children and Klaus Bock already merited the big “Thank You! Certificate” from Turtle Foundation! With such committed young people there is still hope for our oceans and for the sea turtles!


Schülerprojekt Zirndorf März 2017

Environmental friendly cloth bag made by students of the junior highschool in Zirndorf