Here you find the September issue of Turtle Times, the newsletter of our team on Boavista for download. Again, exciting reports about our ongoing project are awaiting you. These are the headlines:

  • MAVA Foundation visits Boa Vista: One of our main partners and sponsors visits our sea turtle conservation project.
  • Rescued Hatchlings: Another sad example for the tremendous problem trash poses to the ocean life including turtle hatchlings – however, this time the story has a happy end.
  • Exhumations: The analysis of the contents of hatched nests reveals important data to understand the complex reproduction biology of the sea turtles.
  • Community and Education: Reports about our activities for collaboration and environmental education in September.
  • Light Study: Our Data Collection Supervisor Derek Aoki presents his research about the detrimental effects of artificial lighting on sea turtle nesting beaches.
  • Volunteer arrivals: In September we were happy to welcome new volunteers in our project.
  • Boy or girl? For us it is normal that the sex of our offspring is genetically determined immediately at procreation. However, sex determination in turtle works totally different from that…

Link to view/download the ENGLISH version of Turtle Times September 2016 (PDF, 1.1 MB)
Link to view/download the PORTUGUESE version of Turtle Times September 2016 (PDF, 1.1 MB)

We wish you a good time while reading Turtle Times!