This last week has been very busy for all of us. After a few days at Lacacão Camp for some training, and also for all the team members to get to know each other, the different teams parted and headed to their own project sites.

We are very pleased that we have been able to start early this season, even though we have to report already 2 killings… it is almost unbelieveble how these turtles got caught even though no activity had yet been recorded. In any case, patrols are now up and running in all project sites, even though we haven’t got soldiers yet confirmed. Our local assistants and few volunteers that already started to arrive (both local and foreign) have done a fab job so far, doing what they can to ensure that the beaches are protected most of the night.

Although the start has been slow, we have now recorded nests in each of the beaches patrolled by Turtle Foundation, 8 in total! The last few days have seen an increase in activity, and we even tagged our first two turtles already. That was a good start!

More news to follow, stay tuned!

(Originally posted/written by Joana Hancock)